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HomeEconomic PoliciesCCP Approves The First Paperless Pre-merger Application

CCP Approves The First Paperless Pre-merger Application

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) successfully used its Electronic Merger and Acquisition Application Filing System to process and authorize the first paperless Pre-merger application.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the CCP, as part of its efforts to improve services and deliver its core mandate to stakeholders, has introduced online systems.

  • Online systems that have gone live in the last week of May 2020:
  • Will allow users to complete and submit applications for the merger online;
  • Questions to file;
  • Application for Advisory Opinions;
  • Participate in the proceedings using video conferences;
  • Make submissions regarding matters dealt with by CCP.

Although the online systems are up and running, stakeholders can still make use of offline CCP services. Parties to a merger, for example, can still file hard copies of their application for a merger. The commission has therefore advised parties to continue to use the Electronic Merger and Acquisition Application Filing Program.

The online system makes it easier for the merger parties to submit requests electronically using a predefined format through an online software application provided by CCP. An undertaking in any part of Pakistan can now request Merger and Acquisition NOC and also monitor the application online via this program, which can be accessed from the CCP website (

In addition, CCP’s online Complaint Management System is in place to facilitate the general public and stakeholders. Complainants may call CCP (051-9100270-72-73) on a dedicated telephone line or email to file complaints. After filing a complaint a tracking number is given to the plaintiff for easy communication.

The CCP is committed to supporting and facilitating all its stakeholders, irrespective of their public or private ownership, with the goal of fostering competition. CCP’s online facilitation is a step towards making it easy to do business in the country. CCP continues its work to protect consumers and provide guidance to businesses throughout the pandemic and the consequent lockdown in the country.

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