Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeBusinessPakistan to Establish Two IT Parks in Islamabad & Karachi

Pakistan to Establish Two IT Parks in Islamabad & Karachi

The government of Pakistan has cleared information technology services from income tax till June 2025 to sustains the IT exports.

 Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan informed the national assembly that the government is establishing two IT parks in collaboration with Korea. “IT is emerging as a vital organ of our national economy and government is paying a great deal of heed to promote this sector.”, he remarked.

The first IT park is being established in Islamabad furthermore, to strengthen this sector, the second park will be established in Karachi. 

Speaking to the National Assembly Ali Muhammad Khan said, “the government has started a comprehensive Ehsaas Programme and enhanced its allocations to Rs 190 billion from Rs 100 billion.” He further added, “under this initiative, several programmes are being launched for the poor segments of the society.”

Parliamentary Secretary for Education Wajiha Akram said, “despite economic constraints, promotion of education including higher education is the priority of the government, Initiatives such as Kamyab Jawan and Ehsaas Programmes also envisage the component of education.”

Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar (Minister for National Food Security) informed the National Assembly that plan of action has been prepared and will be executed in the coming 1.5 years with a cost of Rs. 7.3 million provided by the federal government.

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