ISLAMABAD: A realistic and Comprehensive Plan of Goals is Essential for Economic Recovery needed to revive the economy.
It would be a good scenario if the IMF received 1$ billion in installments, extended the repayment deadline and reduced the repayment period of deposits received from friendly countries to pay the balance. Be done But the question is, what happens next?

After a few years, there will be a deadline to repay the loans, then there will be no loan from the IMF and the reserves of friendly countries will have to be repaid and when there will be no room for increase in oil and electricity rates and taxes.
Do we have a Plan B or a Plan A for this situation? The government is currently dealing with an emergency, but there should also be a post-emergency rehabilitation plan.The recovery of the economy requires a realistic and comprehensive plan that sets short-, medium- and long-term goals. As a short-term target, the focus should be on increasing consumer prices due to the devaluation of the rupee and increasing pressure on the weaker sections.
Second, the losses of the public sector at the expense of public sector entities should be taken into account. The goal is to reduce non-development spending.